
Silver Fox Squadron

The Silver Fox Squadron was formed in 1991 and is a group of mainly retired members who fly mid-week. We hold a lunchtime barbecue at the clubhouse each month on the Thursday after the monthly club meeting (This works out generally as the third Thursday of the month). There is a small charge to cover costs.

This is a great place to discuss aeromodelling topics, or to solve the world’s problems in animated debate!

The Tomboy Project

This project is being led by Terry Beaumont and follows an initiative developed by several other clubs – taking an iconic vintage freeflight model and converting it to electric power and radio control.  The Tomboy is a 44 inch span  ( inches ?? – approx 1100 mm for those too young to understand traditional measures!).

The intention is to run competitions – such as timed power climb 25 sec, glide to landing with points for duration of glide, additional points for precision of landing. It is proposed that power be limited to 100 Watts.

This makes for a very cheap way to have fun in competitions.  All of the engineering has been done and Terry is able to suggest optimised motor/ESC/battery combinations. Terry and Rob are able to supply laser cut wing rib kits – see Terry for pricing.

Contact Terry Beamont for more details: